Thursday, October 12, 2017

There's a HELL in hello
GOOD in goodbye
LIE in believe
OVER in lover
END in friend
& an IF in life 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

meme- system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one in another 
virus - Disaster data a piece of code  
viral- rapidly view
blog- individual website of yourself  
wiki- anyone can contribute 
URL- the address of the website 
website- more then one 
www- world wide web
Internet- The way in which computers connect between networks 
2.0-advance version 
open source-sources that can be improved 

Friday, October 6, 2017

Sadly something happen at my school, as some may know what happen, it is pretty cruel and childish for what is going on in school. People happen to say so many things and interpret it so many ways, that people don't realize, how can that lead into hurting someone you know or might not know, that the person who is going through so much needs your help, attention, or caring. Yet people are laughing at the person, saying dirty jokes, this just makes you look like an ignorant. Instead of making this person feel bad, as a generation we should gather up, by changing this into love, one for each other. To whereas, showing respect and care ? Knowing that some care about social media, care if you got the fame or not . Know we see 11 years old dating, not playing outside, and not using there imagination. Some are putting examples to the younger ones, the younger ones seeing things we do and wanna do it because they see that you are also doing it. And they think it's fine doing what your doing. Hopefully it's not to late to change the generation, hopefully someone opens there eyes, and sees that it is not too late to react. Because it can happen to a little brother ,sister , cousin,or friend . To where, people are just to quick to judge others faults, but never quick to point out their own. 

Monday, October 2, 2017

  1. venomous-type of animal venom or people 
  2. stolid- clam dependable and showing emotion
  3. hypnotized- produce a state of hypnosis
  4. suspended- temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect 
  5. transformed-make through or dramatic change in the form appearance or character 
  6. accuse- charge with an offense or crime 
  7. anticipate- regard as probable 
  8. fringe-an ornamental border of threads left loose or formed into tassels or twists
  9. melancholy- a feeling pensive sadness typically with no obvious cause 
  10. earnestly- with sincere and intense conviction seriously 
  11. dissolve-become or cause incorporated into a liquid so as to form 
  12. aggravate-make worse or more serious 
  13. illuminate- light up
  14. capillary-any of the fine branching blood vessels from the network 
  15. proboscis-the nose of a mammal especially in the long mobile 

Work hard in silence , let your success be your noise. Frank Ocean